Oil vs Dollar – Its affects on world economy

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Note 1: In world every good has a price, demand side and a supply side. The higher demand OR lack of demand hints supplier to increase OR decrease price of a good accordingly.

Note 2: Someone told you "An apple a day keeps doctor away". Now you decide to eat apple and you think its nutrients rich. People like you think similarly, such that, apple gains prominence.

Now combine above two NOTE and read on. You have 100(some currency) with you and you went to market on a bicycle to buy apples. Seller says each apple is 12, you bargain badly with seller. Finally both of you agree on 10 per apple, and you bought 10 apples for 100. Both seller and buyer are happy (don't worry about how much it costs for the seller; limit your imagination to this transaction under current market conditions of this buyer and this seller). Now someone goes in a BMW car to buy apples from the same seller, this guy will not bargain and buys at 12 per apple. Essentially 100 fetched buyer1 10 apples, for buyer2 8.333~ apples.

What if apples production is scarce? Now seller will not heed to buyer 1 bargain and for buyer 2 this seller might quote a higher price (say 15). In this scenario buyer1 gets 8.33 apples for his 100, buyer 2 gets 6.666~ apples for his 100.

What if there are abundant apples? Now this Seller might drop the price to 10 per apple. Buyer 1 will still bargain for 8 per apple and gets 12.5 apples for 100. Buyer 2 will get 10 apples for his 100.
Moral of the story is, any "Good" be it apple, t-shirt, gold or Oil, the price of it is determined based on goods availability, the quality of goods, suppliers greed, purchasers bargaining ability, purchasers financial ability etc.. Which are called market forces. With this knowledge lets now try to understand recent trend in decreasing Oil prices, how it affects $, how it is affecting Russian Ruble and Indian Rupee.

On October 13th 2014 there was statement that “American shale gas ends Saudis domination”. America has invested in technology on Oil drilling techniques like horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing; this enabled to produce 10 million bpd (Barrels per day). World’s current demand for Oil is around 90 million barrels per day. “The U.S. moves steadily towards meeting all of its energy needs from domestic resources by 2035” according to IEA (International Energy Agency). It is estimated that Saudi Arabia has 30% of total world Oil reserves, so that it can challenge American production in short term. This prompted Saudi Arabia, who is the highest producer of Oil to increase its production from 10 million bpd to 12 million bpd to trade off decreasing prices and to remain in competition. Prices are further dropping as there are more apples (Oil barrels) in market, got it?

There are few conspiracies that need to be quoted now. One, Sunnis of Saudi Arabia wants to hurt Shiites of Iran, who need high-priced oil which is major part of revenue. Two, as expressed by Russian President Vadimir Putin, is that this is a conspiracy to undermine Russia, one of world’s biggest energy producers.

Truth is, countries depending on Oil export to meet their budget revenues, have an option to sell more quantity (i.e. more barrels of Oil) at lower price to trade off decreasing Oil prices. At normal price of 10, you can sell 10 apples to meet target of 100, when price falls to 8, you need to sell 12.5 apples to meet target of 100. Saudi Arabia and Iran both are part of 12 members OPEC (Organisation of petroleum exporting countries). Can Iran do the same thing as the Saudi did to increase the Oil production to meet its revenue target? answer is NO, since it is facing sanctions from Western countries (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctions_against_Iran ). Iran currently produces 1 million bpd, and has plans to expand capacity to increase to 4 million bpd but cannot sell more than 1 million bpd. In Oct’14 the price of 1 barrel crude oil was around $90; now in Dec’14 it is around $60. Russian, Iranian government's budget projections are based on Oil prices at $100 a barrel to meet their budgetary revenues. With decreased price per barrel, now you know who is hit.

Ripple Effects: Given a chance to choose your currency for your salary, will you choose INR, Ruble, Yen or Dollar. Many of us would choose to earn in Dollars, as it is de-facto standard in today’s world and its “Most prominent currency”. Since US is trying to become self-sufficient with respect to Oil dependence and now it started to produce just enough. It has started to spend less to buy Oil from world market. So US will inject fewer dollars into global markets. Now you know what is “Apple” in NOTE, as everyone wants “$” and as it is de-facto standard they will try to grab more dollars to balance their foreign exchange reserves. Availability of less dollars in market meaning high demand for it, i.e. high INR for 1 $. India now when want to buy a “$” it has to pay more Rupees. These countries need more dollars as foreign exchange because, many other countries would accept only dollar for exchange. So currencies of countries like India, Russia have started to depreciate.

Lower Oil Prices – What it means to economies: As an end user you spend less on gas means higher spending on consumer goods, apparel and especially higher holiday spending (this is December). It is calculated that 10$ decrease per barrel can cause 0.5% increase in GDP of an oil consuming economy.

Back then in 2008 many of us had faced recession, have seen higher price of Oil per barrel, Weak American Economy, Strong Indian Rupee touching 36 INR for a Dollar. Now in 2014, increase in American shale production gas has triggered a ripple that is sure to send fresh waves, let us see which country will be on Crest and which country will be down on Trough.

~ Sai Karthik

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