Before appropriating Feminism, understand its recent rhetoric and actions

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विना बुद्धिः ईषदपि स्वीकरणं अनुचितं (Mindless appropriation of anything is bad)

Any ism that claims to bring a change in society deserves to be criticized; any ideology that deliberately misrepresents itself citing its own history deserves to be put on trial, any ism that claims to be superior should be subjected to scrutiny.
There is a silent agreement among spectrum of Indian intellectuals when it comes to criticism of Feminism - all of them have decided to take a sympathetic approach towards its analysis and criticism snubbing its precarious actions in the recent past.
One should not have a sympathetic approach towards an ideology that has the tendencies to confiscate individual rights; one ought to have the gumption to ask uncomfortable questions when it comes to “Feminism”, as questioning “Feminism” can make one infamous and unpopular instantly and probably this is the reason for many to take a lenient stand towards its perilous rhetoric.
Let me put this upfront, today’s Feminism is not about equality of rights, self-proclaimed feminists shouldn’t be excused, when they equate Feminism with a definition that is half a century old. We do not see “Jihad” as an internal fight for peace, in today’s context it is a holy war which mercilessly kills innocents based on hatred, bigotry and delusion, words have remained the same for decades but the way they got transformed over years have to be kept in mind.

A passive and rational approach towards isms like “Feminism” which have perfect old definitions is hard, but it is worth to deconstruct the intentions to understand the possible ramifications. “Feminism” has crept into many places of society, public and personal life.
I do not disagree that women face discrimination in many walks of life, but one has to also take a note that many Feminists would never object or raise a voice when similar discrimination happens to other genders.
  • Technically, men cannot be victims of rape in India, Feminists made sure that rape laws could only be applied to women and not men.
  • Feminists still argue vehemently in favour of viewing consensual sex on promise of marriage is rape.
  • Recently, Feminists have increased their volume on treating consensual sex under influence of alcohol or drugs has to be treated as rape and men has to pay price for it.
  • Feminists equivocally support alimony laws, which is miscarriage of justice on almost every occasion.
Alimony laws have only turned even broad-minded men to accept dowry as a backup plan in case something goes wrong after marriage. Alimony makes sense only when a child is born in wedlock. Shredding all the soft corners, it is not an exaggeration to say with an acerbic tone that Alimony is legalized extortion, which is mandated by law, approved by society, exploited by some women and adjusted by men.
After “My Choice” video by Deepika Padukone, many men were in the hope that if a wife a commits adultery, even the husbands can commit adultery without facing legal consequences. Legally speaking, women are not to be charged for adultery, even when they are willing and equal participants in the act, only husbands are susceptible to charges of adultery, such biased laws are never questioned by Feminists who claim that Feminism is about equality of men and women.
Sexual harassment at work place is a serious issue but some Feminists with their strategic silence and some feminists made sure that biased proposals get endorsed.
Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) has gone through Sexual harassment laws and said that anti-sexual harassment laws are biased and does not give a fair opportunity for men.
  • Life expectancy of men is lower than woman, men are prone to more number of mental and physical diseases, and this hardly gets highlighted by people who claim to fight for equal rights.
  • Suicide rate of married men is much higher than married women, I am not even talking about 498A.
  • Corporates pump disproportional amount of money to educate people about women problems and diseases and hardly even a whimper about terminal diseases which effect men which are much higher in number.
Feminism is not some organic ground mass movement in India, it is fostered by NGOs with foreign money. Going by the hazardous rhetoric, it is not surprising when one comes to know about the new alliances of Feminism.
  • NGOs who push Feminism into rural India are sympathetic to ultra-Left groups.
  • Feminism is actively pushed into has become a normalcy in Indian Universities which are controlled by Leftist academia for decades.
  • NGO/Feminist Orgs support project which take up mass Proselytization of tribal and rural families.
  • Feminists pride themselves while rubbing shoulders with Islamist groups.
Women in the family is the primary target of NGOs who support Feminism for conversion activities as rest of the family would eventually get converted, such predatory actions of self-proclaimed feminists are not objected by so called true feminists.
Prostitution of Soul has larger and deeper effects on an individual than prostitution of flesh, it steals away the past, culture, traditions and values, it cannot be claimed back, and this is what many NGO feminists have been doing in many parts of India.
Self-proclaimed Feminists have no hesitation to display their allegiance towards Islamist groups around the world, although the ideal definition of feminism has no coincidence with the ideas and principles of Islamist groups, although there are some common agreed policies between feminist groups
  • Play the victim, Islamist groups have popularized the word “Islamophobia” and play the victim when they have to face hard questions.
  • Blame others for failures instead of rectifying and thinking of reformation.
  • Burden is on others to accept their shortcomings instead of doing some introspection.
Feminists have been recruiting young urban students to spread their brand and ism, brainwashing them with lies, false statistics and dubious sources. This generation of young female students are now in exposure to Feminism, which are trying hard to manufacture outrage robots who accuse the system, society, culture, tradition and even the country for their personal problems.
  • Silence when court declares that even abandoned wives deserve alimony.
  • Total silence on the proposed Hindu marriage and divorce laws.
  • Demands to make laws for palimony, Maharashtra government had thought about such an act.
  • Assertion that laws like 498a are not being misused, men who hate women are propagating falsehood on misuse of 498a etc.
Young innocent urban women are not aware that they are being recruited to foster an ideology that is.
  • Stealing their individual identity.
  • Getting defined by a venomous ism
  • In the process turning them into slaves abandoning rational and unbiased thinking.
Eventually these women would have invested so much time and effort defending their thoughts and feminist ideology that they cannot afford to come out of it even after facing reality of third wave or modern feminism.
The self-centred jingoism of modern feminism is so high that it is higher than the nasty right wing, self-righteousness beats the self-styled moral thought cops, beats the intolerant of the left when it comes to listening others views.
Feminists even feel that women who do not claim to be feminists are not good enough to be women, I came across many...
  • Hard working women who achieved a lot in their professional careers without whining and never claimed to be feminists.
  • Many women activist who do remarkable work in remote parts of India for empowerment of women but never claimed to be feminists.
  • Brilliant women intellectuals who brought discrimination into limelight but refused to labelled as feminists.
Above people who did real hard ground work are not worthy to be mentioned or celebrated by Feminists as they refused to be defined by Feminism, did not show even interest to be inclined to the so called equal rights ideology of Feminism and this is what 3rd wave and modern feminism has been producing by infusing modern feminism into young women.
  • Cannot praise women who globally achieved a lot in their professional careers.
  • Should not celebrate the achievements by real women activists.
  • Self-induced guilt when they have to take inspiration from above women.
I can go on and on… but my point is why are we being asked to appropriate Feminism without even doing basic diagnosis of its recent past, understanding its rhetoric, its allegiance towards bigotry, its enthusiasm to support Islamist organizations and why is the right trying to embrace it?
There is a new trend in India, the emergence of so-called “Hindu Feminists”; the term has been sufficiently ridiculed, the danger of appropriating modern day feminism is huge and can be catastrophic if Hindu right does it and it has to be countered with facts and logic.
"Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
If appropriation of modern Feminism is the only way forward based on half a century old idealistic definition then last start appropriating
  • Communism as fairness of justice by appropriating the murders of Stalin and Mao.
  • Socialism as equality by appropriating the equality it has brought in poverty.
  • Fascism as morality and disciple by appropriating the confiscation of basic human rights.
  • Nazism as service to nation by appropriating its ideology to subjugate others.
One might ask, “What’s wrong in accepting the word Feminism and condemning all the above things which some of today’s feminists haven’t?”
I ask, why are you so much fixated with “Feminism” when you can use the word “Humanism”? You have trouble accepting the term “Humanism” over “Feminism”? then you need to do some introspection. If Feminists feel that they have the holy right to assert the greatness and sanctity of modern Feminism without any debate, then others have right to dismiss and ridicule Feminism and Feminists without any debate.

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