Arun shourie was labeled by Shoma Chaudhary as "adumbral position between liberal knight, self-righteous crusader and unselfconscious fascist". Thanks to the Halal intellectualism of Shoma Chaudhary which made her to brand a man of high integrity like Arun Shourie with the qualities which she possess and displayed them in public them recently.
Arun Shourie said "The intellectuals (Lefties) thus have no option but to fall back on one of three things"
1. They just do not talk about the facts.
2. They rely on going on repeating the fabrication.
3. They hijacked institutions to broadcast their concoctions.
The above three things still exist and in the last decade they have nurtured the future generations of Communists, feminists, left liberals and Islamic sympathizers.
There’s this new saying, "You will pay for your sins in the current life". One has to compliment karma for making a perfect entry. The sexual assault case against Tarun Tejpal has unmasked the left liberals, it has changed the mode of desi feminists from cacophonic to silent, and the views of Socialists - Communists are now restricted to syllables. For all these years, Shoma Choudary presented herself as a feminist, who stood for rights of women but when her boss was trapped in the sexual assault case, she adapted the style and narrative of Khap panchayats. Hypocrisy is one of the open secret ingredient which kept Tehelka running and endorsed disgusting feminists and left liberal voices to propagate crap. Genocide Suzie termed it as “Rape 2” and the members of pink chaddi brigade have gone missing.
Recently, I came across a discussion where racism was being linked with the game of chess and one foreigner rightly pointed out that Chess was invented in India which doesn’t have the history of racism. This silenced everyone, as it was the ultimate truth. A feminist friend of mine was asking others to participate in the "Black is Beautiful" campaign endorsed by Nandita Das, my first impression after hearing it was 'Bullshit'. Let me ask you a question, "If someone comes with 'White is Beautiful' or 'Wheatish is Beautiful' campaign, would you support it?" If cosmetic companies have to be termed as racist for coming up with fairness creams, then I feel that even the dark folks who are using fairness creams should be termed as racists and people who tan their bodies too should be seen as racists. By asking people what to do and what not to do with their skins, the pompous activists are asking you to surrender the individual rights.
We are told that "India needs its own Oprah" etc… as if India is besieged with racism. Think for a moment, does racism exist in India? – I agree that favoritism and indifference exist based on skin complexion on both the ends but racism, seriously?. The NGOs, activists, feminists and left-liberals have borrowed the western concepts to apply which is irrelevant to India. Do Indians hate blacks? Or do we see Whites as masters?
There are Hindu gods and Goddesses who are fair in complexion and there are Hindu Gods and Goddesses who are dark. Avatars of Vishnu are dark in complexion and Shiva is white. The colors and complexions represent something but they definitely do not represent any kind of hierarchy or superiority, they just represent the nature and characteristics of Gods and Goddesses. The features and virtues owned by both dark and fair gods are required when the question of Dharma is posed. Krishna which means Dark and Arjuna which means White had to fight together in Mahabharata to save Dharma. The borrowed concepts of racism has no meaning in the Indian context.
After the tragic Delhi rape incident, there are huge protests in the capital condemning the violence against women and women's safety, which were genuine- people went to protests on streets facing the lathi blows of police without the support of any NGO or a political party. These genuine protests by people was slowly hijacked by Indian feminists, they didn't miss this opportunity to boast themselves and eventually nothing happened and nothing will ever happen unless feminists are not allowed to smuggle themselves into such protests. The pivotal issues like police reforms, improvement of law and order etc,, which are necessary for women’s safety have disappeared after feminists have taken over the protests, except the disgusting rhetoric which have they have been doing for many decades. It was similar to Anti-Corruption movement by Anna Hazare which was later got hijacked by AAP kamrades. Only rhetoric can be seen in feminists and AAP comrades – If your spouse is not happy with you, then Lokpal is the solution, if a girl is molested in a street then it’s because Indian men are predators.
"Indian men do not respect women. Indian culture is anti-woman. Indian traditions see women as slaves." Such kind of propaganda which was actively fostered by feminists and communists has managed to capture the attention of young girls who have no idea of culture, history and traditions of India, and without even doing fact checking, many have embraced the idea of feminism and proudly call themselves as feminists.
Western concepts and ideas of feminism were borrowed by Desi feminists, they inoculated them and now fervently preach them. They advocate that it’s the woman which is responsible for life on earth and man has no importance other than being a lender of sperm and relationship between them is nothing more than a buyer and a shopkeeper.
In Greek Mythology, it is believed that children were generated solely from the man's sperm. The women was thought to be nothing more than a container for the fetus to grow in.
In Hindu Mythology, the relationship between man and a woman is not mutually exclusive but exactly the opposite, they are interdependent on each other and life cannot generate or prosper by excluding either of them. Woman conceives the physical form and creates life inside her body and man has to support, nourish and teach the child to prosper in the world. Man has to provide the source for the woman to create life and the cycle continues. This circular relationship of interdependency has to be there for life to flourish. The sacred text says –
"Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha" ~ Rig Veda
The propaganda and motivated slandering was limited to metro left liberal clubs and the colleges which served as breeding grounds of Maoist sympathizers. But now this is spreading in many directions. The shameless pedantic moral escapades of Tehelka were seen as "Investigative Journalism", as the hypocrisy of Tehelka was out in open and it has brought its own destruction, the venom in now inherited by Cobra post – and truth is that it’s an evil Ouroboros.
History tells us that we have allowed others to rule and exploit us. Even after independence, we allowed the communists to loot our heritage, fabricate our history, hijack of our institutions and eventually we have asked for our destruction again. We have so called historians who have no idea about culture, traditions, languages and literature of this country but write books "India after Something", "India before something" and philistine idiots who dragged this country to a collapse with their Socialist and Communist crap.
We are fast becoming a nation where the youth are aware of the capital of a South American nation but aren’t aware of their local constituency. Young folks at Elite colleges think that whole of South India speaks one language but have strong opinions about Multiculturalism. We hardly any idea about the number of districts in our state but remember all the nations which come under European Union, we do not even care to know about the national and state symbols but we talk about the national sport of an obscure nation.
Surrogated intellectualism is at its best as the Doon school graduates are out with their enlightenment in Journalism, Politics and Social groups. Think tank babas prefer to quote Abraham Lincoln on the importance of "Union" over Chanakya. "Idea of India" proposed by left liberals is an amalgam of shitty ideological promiscuity, socialist mindset, communist doctrine with twaddle of debauched sympathizers. It’s time to destroy the fortress of these phonies and pluck it out by its roots – and Indian people have only one chance to do that, in the summer of 2014.
"Not an eye for an eye, not a tooth for a tooth - it is completely wrong. But for an eye, both the eyes - for a tooth, the whole jaw"
awesome job !