Narendra Modi, Bigots and Non Bigots

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The recent intellectual commentary of Mukulji on Narendra Modi is one of the best example of Desi Left Liberalism. In his first sentence he terms millions of Indians as bigots. Yes, millions of people who have voted for BJP for so many years are bigots according to Mukulji. Few days back, Pratap Bhanu Mehta came with a column which trashes the 9 years governance of Congress and he ends with this sentence.
After all we do have the vote. 
Mukulji’s bile for Narendra Modi comes with his Left Liberal hyperbole camouflaged under the generic word ‘Liberals’. He starts with…
Liberals fear and loathe Narendra Modi not because he is loved by voters who are bigots but because he appeals to some voters who aren’t.
So, let us assume for argument sake that millions of Indians are bigots and the rest who are attracted to them are non-bigots. Few questions which comes to my mind are:
  • Who are these non-bigots?
  • Why are they attracted to Narendra Modi?
  • Which category does these Non-bigots belong?
Going by statistics, records and dumbness, I am assuming that these non-bigots certainly do not belong to the below categories:

  • Communists (Who revere Stalin and reject Vivekananda) 
  • Maoists (Gandhians with Guns and no brains)
  • JNU sickos (Who would kiss Moa’s ass if he comes back from his grave)
  • Centrists Crooks(Who loot the country under the name of inclusiveness and pseudo secularism)
  • Loyalists (Dynasty bootlickers)
  • Candlelight and Pink chaddi brigade(Desi replicas for blonde jokes)
  • Jholawalas and Activists(If given a chance, they would take India back to Stone Age)

Above can be safely eliminated from Mukulji’s ‘Non-Bigots’, the remaining groups MAY come under the category of non-bigots considering the logistics of India are:

  • Middle Class
  • Fence-sitters
  • Liberals

You may ask, “But he started the article with Liberals, how can you include them…”.The pivotal point of writing this post is not to support Narendra Modi or to give a rebuttal to Mukulji’s article but to make few points about non-bigots, what is Liberalism in India and who are Indian Liberals. I am afraid, I can’t be eloquent like Mukulji’s views on Cricket but would definitely put forward my view as I am a Liberal and a middle class Indian.

The Desi left liberals and socialists have masqueraded as liberals and claim to be the stakeholders of Liberalism in India and constantly target the traditions and culture to exude their so called liberal credentials. Left liberals have been in a good form till recently but the emergence of social media has changed the scenario, they were caught, exposed and damaged their holy credibility. So, let’s dissect the above mentioned non-bigots.

Middle Class:
When Arab Spring was in full swing, B.Raman tweeted about it and I asked him a question, if he thinks that huge Indian Middle class can come together to come up with a movement against corruption and he replied that he didn't believe that the huge Indian middle class is capable of doing such things, even I believed the same. But, things took a different path and everything got changed. There was the anti-corruption movement led by Anna Hazare and Black money issue led by Baba Ramdev. Both the Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev movements were predominantly supported by the middle class, I guess it is a rare occasion in the history of independent India where the huge Indian middle class is coming openly and taking on the dynastic government without any fear.

Substantial amount of votes from the middle class helped the dynasty to stay in power for decades and the movements which were gaining unprecedented support from the middle class is a clear threat to the dynasty and importantly it was cornering a party virtually making it impossible to ignore the responsibility of being in power and the ripple effect of this could be seen in socialists. Co-incidence has a perfect timing, Narendra Modi was giving an alternative choice to the voters with his governance and this co-incidence petrified our left liberals and Socialists to such an extent that they used all the dirty tricks at their disposal to fracture the Anna Hazre and Baba Ramdev movements by getting their pseudo-intellectual brigade to push false allegations.

It is quite clear that Mukulji fears that non-bigot middle class would look for alternative options given by a man named Narendra Modi and the middle class has the power to root out the dynasty and flush away his socialist friends.

Fence sitters:
Fence sitters are funny people, they swing like pendulum but they are very important during elections, as in many cases they turned out to be the deciding factor in making a party win or lose the election. The % of fence sitters in USA is high and sometimes it’s their vote which is going to decide the next president, and the live television debates which happen between the president nominees are to attract the fence sitters towards their side. Similar thing happened in the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections where the non-partisan crowd became a deciding factor.

Usually, fence sitters tend to be centrists and eventually support the one who attracts or convinces them. Dynasty has always been a great prospect for fence sitters, they have all the tools and ammunition to capture the mind of a fence sitter but even this got changed after Narendra Damodardas Modi was talking about clean governance and development. Dynasty had very little to argue when Modi was pitching his governance and development record and obviously the fence sitter was listening to the arguments given from both the ends.

The fence sitters would be left with one obvious choice if his opponents doesn't come with accusations of communalism, anti-minority etc… Well, Mukulji's article is one of the many propaganda pieces which Modi’s detractors would be using in the coming election season and people in the corridors of 10J would be reading multiple times.

Ah, at last we came to the first word of Mukulji’s article.

I don’t blame you if you feel that Mukulji, Salillji etc… are liberals or shall I say ‘True Liberals’ because the disease has been planted long back and it would take time for it to get cured.I am repeating my questions here:
Who are Indian Liberals?
Why are they attracted to Narendra Modi?

Institutions in our country have been hijacked long back by comrades and vacant sacred space of Liberalism is encroached by left liberals who are the jigris of our socialists and Maoists. In the current changing dynamics, they are being filled up with activists, NGOs etc… to give a cosmetic touch and to pacify some true liberal groups.

Liberalism in India has changed its definition from securing individual rights and free speech to support terrorists and minority appeasement. Snapshots of desi liberalism include the tears for Afazal Guru who attacked the Indian parliament, memory clubs for Ishrat Jahan who was this LeT terrorists, mercy petitions for Ajaml Kasab, a decorated seat for comrade Binayak Sen in Planning Commission etc. The true liberals are morally culpable of not questioning the validity of such madness committed under their label, it’s the dumbfounding silence of the true liberals which has encouraged Mukuljis friends to increase their boundaries of influence and which eventually resulted in painting Indian liberals as a secret affair of lefties. As Ayn Rand perfectly said…
The most timid, frightened, conservative defenders of the status quo are today’s liberals. What they dread to discover is the fact that the intellectual status quo they inherited is bankrupt, that they have no ideological base to stand on and no capacity to construct one. Brought up on the philosophy of Pragmatism, they have been taught that principles are unprovable, impractical or non-existent—which has destroyed their ability to integrate ideas, to deal with abstractions, and to see beyond the range of the immediate moment. Abstractions, they claim, are “simplistic” (another anti-concept); myopia is sophisticated. “Don’t polarize!” and “Don’t rock the boat!” are expressions of the same kind of panic. 
The goal of the “liberals”—as it emerges from the record of the past decades—was to smuggle this country into welfare statism by means of single, concrete, specific measures, enlarging the power of the government a step at a time, never permitting these steps to be summed up into principles, never permitting their direction to be identified or the basic issue to be named. Thus statism was to come, not by vote or by violence, but by slow rot—by a long process of evasion and epistemological corruption, leading to a fait accompli.
The true liberals are found to be endorsing Narendra Modi. It’s no secret that the roman prince and prime minister in waiting can’t answer even one question posed by true liberals as many of them are aware about his shocking knowledge on geography, the perception of 2 India’s, his lack of clarity on policies, future framework for the nation,what actually he stands for and finally though he has the power he would not take the responsibility for the outcomes unlike Modi. It’s quite comprehensible that Liberals like Mukulji fears the True Liberals (Non-Bigots) because, sometimes intellectualism can creep long way and has the power to make people think and vote for the options and alternatives given by political parties and leaders.

Well, you may ask me who I am to question or criticize a Multi-dimensional intellectual like mukulj, but to my defense I have common sense, right to speak and I know the facts, I know what words to use when talking about sensitive issues. For example, I don’t use the word ‘pogrom’ in reference to a riot where the proportion of people killed are 67% and 33% excluding the 59 people who were barbecued in a train.

Narendra Modi may or may not become the Prime Minister of this country after the 2014 General Elections but I am sure that many people will feel proud when they press their thumb on the Electronic Voting Machine. Whatever may be the result, you can’t snatch away the truth that Narendra Damodardas Modi has raised the bar for fighting elections and has given options which the Indian voter has been waiting for a very long time. Jai Hind!

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