Finding Vivian Maier

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Sometimes people may ask these questions to you regarding the non-official or part-time work which you are doing.
  • Who is going to read it?
  • Who is going to watch it?
  • How can it make a difference?
The above questions does make one ponder, but some people do things which they feel like doing even though they are sure that it will not bring fame, money etc...

A Facebook status, a tweet or a blog post may seem to be worthless and merely a time waste but those small things in the long run do make a difference, same is the case with the photographs of unknown Vivian Maier who was recently discovered and stunned the photographic lovers all over the world. Finding Vivian Maier is a film which tracks the history of mysterious woman Vivian Maier. I wont say its a must watch documentary but definitely a good one.