When I realized that it is a curse to be a middle class Indian

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I do not look like this guy, it is just for illustration & page thumbnail

Over two decades ago, my parents and some family friends bought land on the outskirts of the city. The land remained untouched for years until a few years ago when numerous property developers showed interest in buying the land. We were curious as to why so many parties were interested in buying at the same time, but eventually, nothing happened. 

After a few months, the government announced one of the biggest construction projects in the state, and we realized why so many parties had expressed interest in buying our land. Due to our financial obligations and my unfinished engineering degree, we wanted to sell the land, but none of the parties who had approached us initially came forward to buy the land at the last minute.

When the government released the initial plan for the project, we discovered that our land would fall under the project, and the market value of the land was lost. We were disappointed, but we had no other choice but to accept the compensation rate that would be given by the government.

Later, we heard that the government had changed the plan, and some lands that were initially part of the project were no longer included. We made inquiries and found that our land was still part of the project area.


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Alfonso Cuaron's "Gravity" is a masterpiece. Its hard to even think that major part of a Sci-Fi film with big stars of Hollywood, backed by a big Hollywood studio is shot in a confined studio space. One has to watch the film to feel the unprecedented achievement of Cinema complimented by Technology. Its quite obvious for film lovers to equate "Gravity" with Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey". Alfonso Cuaron's "Gravity" doesn't even have the traces of philosophical & psychological overtones which is profound in "2001: A Space Odyssey" but its the audacity of Alfonso Cuaron's imagination and the exquisite execution makes it a Sci-Fi masterpiece. I couldn't stop myself from asking, what Stanley Kubrick would have created if he had the same scientific technology at his disposal. Alfonso Cuaron's "Gravity" is scientific sorcery on celluloid. Don't miss it.

[Note: This post was lying in my Draft Folders, publishing it without completing the whole review]